Wednesday, September 12, 2012

PA Trip: Day 4 thru 6

 Day Four
We got to hang out with family. It was SO much fun to see the cousins play together and it was great to catch up with the fam! Wish we could do this more often and wish we lived closer! 

                   Happy Birthday to Grandpa!

 Day Five
Aunt Erika and Uncle Justin treated the girls to pedicures and manicures! 
I loved spending time with my brother this trip. He rocks! And Erika rocks too! 
Again, wish we lived closer.

 We also got to see my Grammy and Uncle Gary and Aunt Rose. 
It was so special!

Day Six: 
We got to visit with my friends Steph and Adrienne on our way to the airport. 
(unfortunately, all my pictures turned out SO blurry.) 
Time to go Home:( It was the most wonderful visit with my mom and Tim. THANK YOU guys so much for making me and the girls feel so special! Thanks, mom, for cooking for me, doing our laundry, going shopping with us! It was fun to be a "daughter" instead of a mom for the week!
 I love you guys SO much! and wish their weren't so many miles between us! 

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