Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Cherokee Castle- Valor Discovery Night

one of my favorite pictures that I've ever taken- no photoshop! 
 Mark and I were able to go to Valor's Discovery Night up at a real life castle here in Colorado a few weeks ago. It killed me that they allowed no photography inside the castle. Words don't do it justice. 
We ate an amazing dinner in the great hall and even got a tour by a man who was the butler for "Tweet",  the eccentric lady who owned it for many years. I was amazed at all the genuine, one of a kind, art pieces in this place. My favorite was the turret which housed a small library which had Edgar Allen Poe books signed by Poe himself. It seemed every piece/room had a history to it and the butler knew SO much. It was impressive. 
Here is the website...
I would LOVE to return for a Mystery Dinner Theatre sometime. 

view from the balcony of the castle. We got there right as the sun was a little too low for a great picture

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