Friday, January 4, 2013

A look back at the last 11 years with my love

11 years ago, today, on a Friday night in a little church in PA, we said "I do". 
Time has passed so quickly and I am honored and truly blessed to still have Mark by side.
We met in college our freshman year. 
A strong bond of friendship was formed and we hung out constantly 
although we always dated other people.
After 3 years, that friendship blossomed into love and we were married in January of 2002.
We moved to Massachusetts and started teaching in a little Christian school. 
In July 2004, we became parents as we welcomed twin girls, Sophia and Arianna into our home. 
In January 2008, we welcomed little Ella. And then moved cross country to Colorado. 

In June of 2009, our final addition was born- Elijah. 

and boy, were those first few years with little children tough! 
Your heart is quick to shows its ugly, selfish self when little babies demand all your energy, time and attention. Honestly, I do not look back on those baby years with lots of love. Of course, I loved my babies but it was hard and draining in every aspect. 
But, like all phases of life, you get thru and God's grace carries you along. 


And here we are today. 
Life is very full and fun. It is filled with good gifts from a loving Father. Don't get me wrong- life is far from perfect. There are bad days when selfishness pushes out love.  But there is grace. Wonderful grace that pardons our sin and points us to the cross where the ultimate display of true love hung selflessly to a tree for an undeserving, sinful person such as me. I love the Gospel- it provides a poignant example to look to when I fall short in so many ways.

Thank you, Mark, for faithfully keeping those vows you made to me 11 years ago. I know it hasn't always been easy but thank you for consistently showing me patient and selfless love even when I don't deserve it. You are the cream to my coffee and I will forever be yours. 

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