Thursday, March 28, 2013

Birthday Family Fun

34 years old. Yes, I am getting older but with age comes many blessings.
I think back over the years and could not be happier to the place God has brought me. He is good.
I kept thinking of this song all day...
"Hitherto Thy love has blessed me
Thou hast brought me to this place
And I know Thy hand will bring me
Safely home by Thy good grace
Jesus sought me when a stranger
Wandering from the fold of God
He, to rescue me from danger
Interposed His precious blood"
Birthdays are good reminders of the grace and love that God has poured out upon me in giving me life.

We took a break from the norm this year and went out for Birthday breakfast:) We heard good things about a restaurant called Perfect Landing over near Centennial Airport. It did not disappoint.  Not only was the food terrific, the view was super cool. There are big windows that overlook the small airport and we saw many planes only a few feet away landing and taking off. It really was fun!

The kids did awesome in picking out presents for me this year:) But to be fair ANYTHING at Anthropology, I will love:) So, Mark did good in steering Ella and Arianna in that direction:)
The Rifle Paper Company Stationary from Anthropology- beautiful and picked out by Ella.
A "C" coffe mug from Anthropology- picked out by Ari
My sister in law got me into these adorable charm bracelets by Alex and Ani. 
She got me one for my birthday when I was in PA that said "Sister", and I LOVED it.  
So, Mark let Sophia pick me one out and I LOVED her choice. 
{LOVE} Alex and Ani charm bracelet- picked out by Sophia

And Elijah told Mark he wanted to get me a movie, so les Mis it was since it is now my favorite movie!
After breakfast, we saw The Croods with part of the Mondragon clan. It was a good time and the kids GREATLY outnumbered the adults:) The movie was super funny and not crude at all. It was a good time.
After the movie, we went swimming at Lonetree Rec Center which is always fun!
By then I was super tired, because I am getting close to 40!
Took a quick nap and then loaded the kiddos to Grandma and Grandpa's house so Mark and I could enjoy dinner and coffee. Special thanks to them for giving us a nice night out!

We headed to Old Town Littleton for dinner at The Tavern (pretty good but not like Merles next door- its the Best!) Then to a little coffee shop across the street to end the evening with a cup 'o joe and a game of Yahtzee.
It was a fabulous day. 34 never felt so good. 

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