Friday, May 31, 2013

End of the School Year Events: Elijah's Preschool Graduation, Ella's Author's Celebration and Sophia and Arianna's Author's Tea

 Elijah's Preschool Graduation was very cute! He is the only one out of all my kids who didn't get to wear a cap and gown. (I may need to go to Sears or something to take a pic of him in one)
He did so good singing all the songs and saying all the Bible verses.

 We are so proud of him and all he has learned this year at Christ Lutheran Preschool.
Special thanks to Ms. Pam and Ms. Maureen for your love and patience with him! 

 The twins got to showcase their writing work at the annual 3rd grade Author's Tea.
They get to publish their own book of special writing compilations which is very special.

 Elijah has spent his fair share of time at Hopkins this year. We are there almost every day and he loves to pal around with his friend Cameron (left) and he loves to play on my phone! 
He draws quite the crowd sometimes:) The big kids love him:) 
Ella also had an Author's Celebration in her Kindergarten class.
Parents came in and they got to listen to the kids read one of their writing pieces.
  Ella wrote all about her bunny, Cottontail.

The end of the school year is filled with TONS of papers coming home and it is so much fun to look thru their writing from the year. I save my favorites and each year fill a three ring binder with their work, cards, mementos, report cards, etc. from the year. I hope they like looking thru them some day.

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