Friday, May 10, 2013

San Francisco: The Blue Bottle, Golden Gate Bridge and Muir Woods

Mark and I were able to get away from Saturday to Tuesday in Beautiful San Fran! 
Mark was picked by an online learning company- Learn Zillion- to be part of their "Dream Team" for 2013. He got an all expense trip to San Francisco and attended a conference from Thursday to Saturday. (he also gets a very generous stipend and will create around 10 online learning videos for them to use on their sight)  So, we decided what better time then ever for me to join him at the end of his conference and then spend a few extra days on the ocean. 

Saturday, we stayed at the Hyatt and attended a nice dinner and trivia night with Learn Zillion. 
Sunday Morning, Mark finished up his conference and I drove into the city to get some coffee at 
The Blue Bottle- 

They specialize in Siphoned coffee which looks like a science experiment!

It was delicious and tasted like a rich tea to me. I always use sugar and cream in my coffee but I could drink this black, it was that smooth. 
They also had a great cup of drip coffee. 
They use the pour over method which takes a nice long time but tastes amazing. 

 Sunday afternoon, we drove over the Golden Gate Bridge. It was so pretty and the red color was awesome! It was pretty cloudy all day on Sunday but we still got some pretty pictures.
 It was WINDY too! 

 We then traveled out of the city to Muir Woods Park and saw some BIG trees. They weren't quite asa big as the redwoods but that was too far away for us to go see. 
Needless to say, it was a GORGEOUS walk thru the woods- so quite and peaceful. 

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