Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Day 8- Mark travels to Kisii/ Bee sting, Redstone Park, Babysitting and Dinner at the Archers

Mark and the team have traveled from the city in Nairobi to a more rural part of Kenya where they will help with an orphanage for a few days. Their safari yesterday/ this morning was quite the adventure. They did an evening safari and it got rained out. They got stuck in some mud several times on the way back to the resort and ended up piling into 2 vehicles to get back. They spent the night and the next day went out on a morning safari. They did get to see some animals that time:) We are at the half way mark tonight!!! Super exciting! I'm really starting to miss him A LOT:) Elijah saw a picture in the kitchen of Mark this morning and said, "Look mom, now we can remember what dad looks like!" The kids miss him too! Today the team is building houses in the town of Kisii.

Our day was low key and was nice. I have been having bad headaches yesterday and today and I'm thinking it may be all the smoke in the air. Its so sad about the fires in CO Springs and its amazing that the smoke can be seen here and it smells very strong! We are praying for the safety/homes of those in the area who have been evacuated and for the firefighters. Ella woke up several times last night and was so worried that the fire would come to our house. It was a rough night of sleep. I reassured her over and over that we were safe but she kept waking me up saying she was afraid.

I babysat Tytan all day and he got along really well with the kids and Elijah loved having another boy around for the day. We played in the sprinklers and I was able to finally plant my tomato plants. Elijah did, however, receive his first bee sting. It was quite traumatic. Thankfully his little foot didn't swell much at all.
 We did get to go to Redstone Park this afternoon. Its a great little park and wasn't busy at all! 
I love it when we have the whole park to ourselves:) 

They have a great sand area with running water and its under a big shade canopy. 
It's where the kids spent most of their time.

 And of course, this super cool shaved ice truck drove by blaring its tropical music and I caved and got them all one! It was SO hot and my mouth was watering so I flagged the guy down and it was worth it! They were delicious! And the kids could add the flavors by themselves. So cool (literally)

 My beautiful girlies! 
The Archers invited us over for dinner tonight and it was delicious and the company was even better.
 I am so blessed to have such a supportive and caring church body at Sola! 
And Amy sent me home with the new Coffeemate Samoa Creamer- it's AMAZING!!! 

1 comment:

  1. looks like a relaxing day! Drink LOTS of water-the heat and being outside so much you are probably getting dehydrated too :)(for every cup of coffee you drink think of it as a wash on 1 glass of water for the day!)
