Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Days 14 and 15- Mark at Children of Hope/ Swimming Galore

 The past 2 days have been full of chlorine water, sunscreen and fun! 

Yesterday, we went and saw Mr. Popper's Penguins at the Southglenn movie theatre. 
They do summer movies for $1 and it was a great movie. I liked it. 
We did some swimming at our pool in the afternoon and then I was able to meet up with our community Group ladies for our Bible Study and it was wonderful! 
Julie came and watched the kiddos and took them to get frozen yogurt and everything! 
She's one cool babysitter in their book:) Plus, they even got to ride in her new car:) 

Today, I watched Zabrina and Tytan all day and wore them out:) 
We swam for around 3 hours and the kids didn't get out of the pool once.
They all got along pretty well with the occasional squabble but nothing major:) 
 Tonight, Josh and Jen invited us over for a pizza dinner and swimming at their pool.
But not before some quick wrestling/tickling/punching/piling with Mr. Josh! 

The kids loved swimming with baby Gideon and loved a new pool to check out. 

 Gideon was cracking me up! 
He would lay back in the water and float and Jen would swirl him around and he loved it! 
No fear! 
 The twins basically spent the whole time jumping off the diving boord over and over again. 
They did get in some "keep away" with Mr. Josh. 

They will sleep well tonight.

Mark is coming to the end of his trip. The past 2 days were spent at the Children of Hope Orphanage. It is more rural so we haven't been able to "see" each other much. We can text which is nice. The team has been helping around the orphanage- playing endless games of kickball, soccer, catch with the kids and helping with the farming. They are waking up now and will head to Nairobi today and spend the day in the city. Then the next day, they will hop on a plane for London. Have a 10 hour layover (they are doing a bus tour of London- so cool) Then an 8 or so hour trip to Denver! They will arrive Saturday night! Cant wait!!!!! 

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