Sunday, June 9, 2013

Days 4 and 5- Mark to the Kibera slums and Mark preaches/ Yard sale at our place and hanging with family and community

Busy and fun weekend here. Saturday we had a yard sale and the kids set up a lemonade stand. It was cute and they had fun and made some cash:) Saturday night we enjoyed dinner at Red Robin thanks to a sweet parent of one of the teens going to Africa who gave me a gift card to use while Mark was away. Such a thoughtful gift!
Saturday I talked with Mark and the team had a busy day in the slums of Kibera. They painted walls at the WEEP center and played and visited with the people there. They did update their blog with some great pictures! Sunday, Mark was able to preach to preach at Bishop Abel's church and he said it went well. They then played with the kids and made them all lunch. I chatted with Mark a little tonight and they were up very early to head to a rural Massai school. I miss him!

Today, we worshipped with the body of Sola and then headed off to Grandma and Grandpas for lunch. After lunch, we headed to the creek and the kids waded a bit and were able to touch some cool crayfish that people were collecting in a large bucket. It took them a while but they finally held them:) They love spending time exploring with Grandpa!

Tonight we had community group at our place with Cameron and the Halls. We missed Ada, Ashlie and Lisa! I was glad Elijah had Rob and Cameron to rough him up a bit. He really misses that when Mark is gone.  I love that these men love my children and invest time into their little lives.
And we finished the weekend with a dip in the pool at night:)  Bedtime can be at 9:15 during the summer, because its summer- right?! The kids were sure happy to up late swimming:) Such fun memories!

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