Saturday, June 29, 2013

Happy 5th Birthday to Elijah

 My youngest child is 5 today! Where has the time gone? 
We are so blessed that God gave us a boy! 
His boundless energy, energetic spirit, sweet smile, super cool fight moves and funny personality 
add some much needed spunk to our family:) 
We love you, Elijah, and thank God that he has given you to us for these past 5 years! 
Elijah turns one! 

Elijah turns 2! 

 Elijah turns 3! 

 Elijah turns 4! 

And just because I LOVE walking down memory lane...
two days before he came! 
He was so alert right away and had a TOn of hair:) 

7lbs 9 oz (3rd smallest)  and the longest labor of all the kiddos (7 hours) 
LOVEd by his sisters! Sophia and Arianna were 3 (almost 4) and Ella was 18 months

Fourth of July- 4 kids - 3 and under! 

He very quickly chunked up!

His pal from infancy- Clara!

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