Tuesday, September 10, 2013

"So, what are you doing with your time?"

I get asked this question a lot now that I am a stay at home mom with no kids at home during the day:) But, don't you worry- I keep myself busy! Although I must say that I am in a much more relaxed mood when the children come home from school. Laundry is usually caught up on, the house picked up, dishes are done and dinner is usually in place. (all things that never seemed to happen when I had kids at home with me) I feel very blessed! 

I have started this year as the PTO President and this does require a lot of planning, corresponding, meetings, and work at the school. So I spend my fair share of time at Hopkins. And I LOVE it! 
I have not yet started volunteering in the classrooms (as the teachers haven't made schedules yet) but I look forward to spending time doing that as well. I love the teachers and staff and cherish the relationships I have made with other parents, as well. I have found such good friends among them. 

I haven't seen my kids much around the school yet. But the other week, I was at the school around lunch time and saw Elijah eating lunch with a bunch of his little boy friends. I walked over and gave him a big hug and kiss and he was SOOOO indifferent! He wouldn't look at me or talk to me and pushed me away! I couldn't believe it! I was laughing so hard on the way home about how different it is with boys. Elijah has always been my cuddly one. Full of hugs and kisses for me. But at school, it's another story! I asked him about it when he came home and he said he was embarresed that I kissed him in front of Connor. Of course, Daddy gave him a hard time (in jest) and told him he should always kiss his mommy:) It's just so cute to me how he is maturing and getting older. 

Mark and I were also able to get away a few weeks ago while the kids were in school. We went hiking all day and it was AWESOME! His job is very busy but flexible, for which I am grateful. He really needed a day away and we were able to spend the whole day together reconnecting in the great outdoors! Pretty awesome stuff! He wants to be able to take one day off a month for us to be able to spend the day together. Something that's much easier to do now that the kids are all in school. 

I have also enjoyed spending time reading. I have a ton of books on my list and its been great knocking them off one by one. The quiet time in the mornings that I get to spend in the Word has been SO refreshing:) There never seemed to be "quiet" when the kids were around and I find myself really enjoying the quiet to think and meditate on Biblical truths and just "Be Still".

I know that this time at home by myself will quickly come to an end and I will reenter the work force. I look forward to that day and the interactions and relationships I will build with coworkers. But for now, I will dive into the kids school and enjoy those relationships and relish and savor those quiet times that I get to enjoy now that I am home alone:) 

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