Thursday, November 13, 2008

Christmas Photo Shoot

Let me know which ones you like best for our Christmas card this year! Little Elijah really wasn't cooperating, so he is not in many...


  1. Wow! That photographer is AWESOME!

  2. They're all great, but I like the one of the twins sitting on that box with their red socks. :) So cute! Where did Mark do these?

  3. O...kay...tell me if I've figured out which twin is which. I am thinking the white shirt is Arianna, am I right? Oh I hope I've finally figured it out!

  4. mark did these for the preschool as a fundraiser- Krista Nash let him use her equipment which made a BIG difference. And you are right!! Arianna is in white!!!

  5. Oh I'm so glad that I got them right!! (the twins, that is) And what a fun fundraiser! He did very good!!! Does he have any experience as a photographer?

  6. Mark took those pictures??? He did a GREAT job!!! Wish you guys lived closer, I'd pay him to take my kid's pictures! Can't seem to get a good one of the two of them together! Hopefully by the time Christmas gets here I'll get at least one!

    I like the one of the twins on the box - so adorable! And the one of Elijah on the box with Ella touching him! WONDERFUL pictures!

  7. These are ALL soooo good! good luck trying to pick one. :)
