Wednesday, February 11, 2009

To Church We Will GO....

I just love to dress up my little man for church. I myself choose to go casual and wear pants almost all the time but there is something about dressed up kids that I just LOVE- I dress all the girls in their pretty dresses and Elijah just looks so darn cute in his little tie and old man hat! I LOVE it!! As you can see, Mark NEVER wears a tie:) and dresses down too but I will continue to dress my kids up:)


  1. I (WE) need to find a chuirch that doesn't look at pants liek they are of the devil or something...not if i could only convince Jacob!

  2. Hey just wanted you to know that I've enjoyed reading all your new posts. Hope to see you sometime soon. Clara still doesn't seem well enough to go to the nursery but we'll be at the Valentine's Banquet tomorrow night. Will y'all be there?
