Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Blue Butterflies

My soccer stars in their first soccer game! Of course, Ella had to get a picture too:)

Coach Steve talking to the girls-

Waiting for their turn to play- they play 3 on 3

Finally their turn- they didn't score any goals and it was hilarious because I think we were distracting them. We would yell "Go, Sophia" and she would stop what she was doing and look over at us and give us the thumbs up or wave- it was SO funny!

The Three Musketeers:)

Ella wanted to be a part of everything so badly!

Sophia kept coming back to love on Elijah:)

Everyone eating their snack

Arianna took it pretty hard that she did not score a goal. She even cried when another team member scored. Oh my, I think we may have a competitive child on our hands. We tried to emphasize that this is for fun and you dont have to score as long as you had fun.
I don't think it helped.

1 comment:

  1. That first picture is a really good picture of your twins! I thought it was a blast to be there at the game! I am sorry to hear about Arianna crying, though. I was oblivious to it, probably because it was so windy and cold and I was rather sick, too....with a restless baby. Yeah, I was distracted. It was fun, and next week you better be there - my parents and brother will be in town and are coming to the game!!! I want you to meet them!
