Sunday, June 14, 2009

Another Man's Junk

This past Friday and Saturday, we had a HUGE 9 family yard sale at Autumn Gardners house- yes, 9 families! It was HUGE! It was SO much fun! I was able to help out without children for a few hours on Friday (thanks, Lina!) and then all day on Saturday (thanks Mark!)
It was such a good break to hang out with friends, catch up and sit in the sun!
Erika, Christie, Autumn, Dawn, Alyssa, Caroline, Laura, Katie and I all participated. Here is how we kept ourselves organized and in touch with our husbands!

Christie was our "banker" figuring all the money out in the end. I made out really good!
Getting rid of baby stuff, maternity clothes, kids clothes and pre-4 children clothes (that I will never fit into again) really paid off!

Erika and her girls plus Aspen.

the host: Autumn Garnder- THANK YOU for opening your house and yard for the madness!

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