Monday, July 13, 2009


So, right off the finished basement is a little patio and lavender! It smells so pretty!

So, this was filled with weeds so I pulled them out and once we get some extra money, we will lay those stones that fit together to make a longer patio for furniture and a grill...

Lots of space to run and play

there is a little paved path that leads to a pond and an old park with a merry go round


  1. Holy cow-your kids have so many i feel bad for mine! LOL! House is looking great!

  2. I am LOVING the pics of your new place! It looks great - I can't believe you just moved and already it looks so together! Praise the Lord - it looks like it fits your family well!

  3. Yes, they do have too many toys:) But now we have a place to put them! And thanks Jennifer about the house- its so fun to make it a HOME!
