Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Simpler Times

I love taking the kids on educational trips during the day and who would have thought we have a GREAT place about 5 minutes from our house- Littleton Historical Museum- and the best part- It is FREE!

The museum part is pretty boring for kids but they have 2 live working farms outside with houses, barns, transportation,etc. One is from the 1860' era and the other from the 1890's.
All the "workers" dress in period clothing and talk that way too- funny!

The one room school house

The kids LOVED the animals and really enjoyed being able to go in and touch everything in the houses, etc. They thought that was cool. It was like they were playing "house" in a real house!
Sometimes I really wish we could return to the simpler times- I know it was a TON of work but it made you healthier and more appreciative of things. You grew your own food.
You didnt need gas for cars. You went to bed early because you didnt have
distractions like tv, computers and electricity!
Dont get me wrong, I am SO thankful for the ease of life today but other times I wish we could get rid of all the "distractions" of modern day living- but then I wouldnt have my dear blog:)
I LOVE my blog. The main reason I love it is because I want to leave a "diary" for my kids to read when they are older. To SEE and READ about all the fun things (and not so fun times) we have done as a family. I cant get very personal in my thoughts as others are reading too but it still is a good way to preserve memories that I am trying hard to make with my children.

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