Saturday, August 22, 2009

Twins Play dates are soon over...

We love having the Caucutts over for play dates- our kids get along really well and we have high hopes that Ella and Elijah will marry one day! Here we are in our back yard in the "rainforest jungle" as the kids call it- they LOVE the low hanging willow trees! I enjoy having her over

Sarah is definitely one of my best friends out here in Colorado- she is So sweet! We have the same tastes in many things and its GREAT to have someone who is in the same stage of life that you are in! (Lots of small kids) She is so kind and hospitable as well! She always goes out of her way to help another mom- what a good character trait to have!

Eliana LOVES babies and is often chasing after Elijah when he is over- Elijah will put up with it for a while but then he gets fed up:) Too funny!

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha! I just saw this......thanks, you are very sweet. I am so blessed to have your friendship too. :-)

    And I love the new background for your blog!!!! Adorable!
