Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Happy Birthday, a tad early!

I remember when I got pregnant with the twins being a tad sad that they were going to probably be born in the summer- I think my actual due date was in September which would have been REALLY cool- I love fall and do NOT have any fall babies! You may be asking why I cared about what season my babies were born in- well, I know its weird, but I thought it woud be sad to not be able to celebrate your birthday at school. I remember with fondness all the homemade treats my mom would make and let me bring in to school to share with my friends for my birthday! I would get to pick a special person to help me pass them out and I usually chose Karly or Valarie, although once I chose Mark, a boy I liked:) 
(and yes, I married a Mark, but not the same one)
We would pass out the cupcakes to friends and I always asked mom to make more than enough so I could go around to all the teachers and give them out.Aahh! Memories! 
And now, I have 3 SUMMER babies!!!!
Thankfully, I talked to the teacher and was able to let the girls celebrate their birthday this last week of school- a bit early! But who's counting:)
 I made these cupcakes inside ice cream cones with mint buttercream frosting- they were pretty tasty- but one note of caution- I made them the night before and the next morning, the cones were not as crisp as when they first popped out of the oven.
Make a cake mix according to directions.
Spoon batter into ice cream cone and place in cupcake baking tins.
Bake at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes.
Let cool and frost with a piping bag to get that ice cream look
Top with sprinkles and a sour cherry candy.

They got soggy- I bet the kids didnt notice though! 
And the best part of sharing your birthday with a twin is...
you have a built in best friend to pass out your birthday treats with!

1 comment:

  1. super sweet! we have one summer birthday in our house.
    When I was an elementary teacher, I would make a list of all the class birthdays and add the "half-birthdays" for all the summer birthday kids as well. I would send a note home to the parents letting them know it was perfectly fine for their child to bring in special treats on their half-birthday, if they wanted. That way no one got left out!
