Sunday, June 19, 2011

Journal Update: Day 10 of 17

 We had dual celebrations at Grandma and Grandpas today-
Valerie turns the big 16 tomorrow!!!

a little video tribute to Valy (that Alex and Avery made) that made everyone cry:)

and...Happy Fathers Day Grandpa!

val, Alex and Avery made a scavenger hunt for grandpas present based off the map from the book The Spooky Old Tree. which is grandpas favorite story to read to the grandkids!  It was SUPER COOL!

he had to dig where "x" marked the spot

 It was a fun day filled with tears and laughter and lots of love! 
We got to Skype with Mark in the afternoon and he is doing well. He is at an orphanage in the rural part of Kenya so they dont have much internet access. But he is doing well! 
Please keep praying for him and the team!

We finished up the day at 4pm at Sola and it was wonderful to be with the community of believers for a few hours and hear an awesome sermon from Chad, looking through the Bible (Old and New Testaments) to find a Biblical theology for the term "community" which we talk a lot about in our mission as a church body. I cannot tell you how encouraged and convicted I was by this sermon and I am excited to dig into it more this coming week in my own personal study time and then find ways to flesh it out to my unsaved neighbors and other believers in the body of Christ! Exciting stuff! 

Only 1 week to go and my man comes home!!! 
I cannot tell you HOW excited I am:) 

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