Saturday, June 25, 2011

Journal Update: Day 16 of 17

We had a fun day with Grandma and Grandpa again today- it has been SOO hot out here lately, so we went over to play in the river near their house- it was a tad scary but fun at the same time! Its sorta creepy not being able to see your feet and wondering whats lurking in the rocks:) 
But thats part of the adventure, right?! 
I am SO thankful for some pretty awesome inlaws who love having the kids over and try to create adventures for them and memories that I know my kids will look back on with fondness.
We went home after lunch and cupcakes, and Elijah took a nap. After supper, we went out to get frozen yogurt- the thing I crave almost every day.. and we took it over to Civic Park to eat and play. They had a fun ballet company there doing a show so we watched it for a while as we ate. Then the kids played till the sun went down- it was 9:15 when we got home and they went right to sleep!

I talked with Mark for the last time tonight on Skype! They are headed to church in Kenya and then its off to the airport after lunch and then a quick flight to Ethiopia and then a 17 hour flight to Washington D.C. and then a 5 hour flight to Denver! They get in Monday afternoon around 1! 
I am beyond excited and cannot help smiling when I think of our reunion! 
Please keep him in prayer.

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