Monday, October 3, 2011

Fresh Zucchini Tomato and Feta Bake

Fresh Zucchini Tomato and Feta Bake
1 large zucchini sliced
10 cherry tomatoes halved
1/2 cup of crumbled Feta
2 Tbs extra virgin Olive Oil

Cook zucchini in oil till tender over medium heat. Add tomato halves and cook a minute more.
Transfer to small baking dish. Crumble feta over top veggies and bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes.

Its hard to believe it is fall. The weather here in Denver is WARM! Its been in the 80's for a while now. I do enjoy the cooler mornings and evenings though! My front porch is decorated for fall.  
I have started running- and lost about 2 pounds. I really want to firm up which I know will only happen at a gym but for now running will do.
School is going well for all the kiddos. The twins joined girl scouts after school and choir after school. They are staying busy.
 Mark has started his speech and debate coaching- it is going well! Church is going great! Mark was able to preach yesterday on baptism and a bunch of teen guys from valor came to hear him. They arent saved and will openly admit it but really respect Mark and enjoy honest conversations about the gospel and "religion". They came over for lunch at our house after and spent a long time just talking and hanging out- it was fun and I hope that we can continue to talk to them about Christ and see them come to know Him! 

My mom is coming to visit at the end of October- I am SOO excited as well as the kids! Sophia keeps asking how many days till she comes! 

Marks cousin, Eddie is coming to visit this week from Australia. We are headed to Marks parents house for dinner tonight! Then on Wed, we are headed to the mountains with him! Hopefully we can see some fall colors. Looking forward to it.

Well, that is about it here. Hope you all have a great week!

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