Sunday, June 16, 2013

Days 11 and 12- I MISS MARK!!!

I am to the point today, where I miss him A LOT and want him home. The kids are doing great and are behaving well, overall. My family and friends are all so supportive and helpful. I am not meaning to sound ungrateful. I just miss Mark's face. I miss his presence. I miss being able to hold his hand and kiss. I miss driving next to him in the car. I miss cooking for him. I miss talking in bed at night when all the kiddos are asleep. I miss watching The Office reruns with him over and over. Today was the first day that tears were shed on my part. Saturday cannot come soon enough! 

This weekend was nice. It was slow which was good. I spent much time in the Word this weekend and it truly refreshes the weary soul. It is quick and powerful! Praising God for showing me more about Himself, my sin and the Gospel thru my study. 

Saturday morning, I woke up to a VERY quiet house. Grandma and Grandpa took the kids overnight Friday. (THANK YOU guys so much!) I can't remember the last time I stayed in the house all alone without any other human being in it. It was sorta scary  I was able to meet some girlfriends bright and early for breakfast at TOAST in downtown Littleton for a few hours. It was wonderful. I then walked around downtown with Rob and Julie for a bit. Stopped in at a new little tea shop and met the owner, Carol, who educated me and helped me pick out a nice organic earl grey loose leaf tea. 
(Think I'll be visiting there more often)
The kids had a BLAST with Grandma and Grandpa and came home with lots of fun stories and explorations to tell! 

Today is Father's Day and we were able to spend time with Grandpa. 
We are so blessed to have him in our lives. 
Thanks for all the time you spend with the kids making them feel so loved and special! 

I love that little Natalia is in the corner of this pic:) She is just the cutest little baby! So much fun! 
I am also reminded of my dad, today. I miss him. He will be gone 15 years this August and those memories I have from my childhood are very sweet and precious. I wish he could have met my husband and my children. He would have loved them. 

And I cannot forget my step-dad, Tim. He entered my life in my teens and loved me like his own daughter. He showed me Christ and what true love looks and acts like. 
Wish I could be in PA today to give him a hug:) 

We will celebrate Father's Day with Mark, next Sunday!
Love you, babe, and thank you for being a "daddy whose in the mix" and showing our children by example the love of our Heavenly Father! 
love this old picture:) 

Tonight, Elijah knew I was sad and he told me that he will be the daddy since he is the only boy in our house right now. He rubbed my back and told me that he will sleep in his bed half tonight and then come in and cuddle me the other half since daddy is gone. Love that kid:) And he really likes carrots lately. It's a weird fact but true. He eats them every day when he wants a snack. Hopefully he will have good eyesight. 

Mark has been busy this weekend with Vacation Bible School (500 kids) and preaching. They gave him a live chicken after he preached his sermon as a gift and thank you. Mark said they will probably butcher it and eat it together. We got to wish him a Happy Father's Day today, briefly. Monday (basically now) they will build another home in Kitali. Please pray that God will continue to grant safety to their team and opportunities to share the Gospel.

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