Saturday, July 6, 2013

Mountain Getaway- Salida, CO

 We found a new favorite mountain town this past weekend! 
It is filled with very old historic buildings and very cool shops and restaurants. 
 Nabbed some raspberry honey and  lemon verbena honey beeswax soap from this gem of a shop. 
Met the owner and chatted about how she makes her honey. 
Love local, family owned, small business shops like this! 

 We also LOVED this locally owned pizza joint. 
They made their own Ginger Beer, Root Beer, Cream Soda and Limeade. 
It was to die for! 
 The town is located right by the Arkansas River. 
Lots of rafting, Kayaking, Tubing and Fly Fishing 

  We watched Despicable Me 2 at this quaint little locally owned theatre. 
 My friend, Sarah, invited us to stay at her cabin which is about 25 minutes from downtown Salida. It has no internet which was a nice break from the norm. The kids found a birds nest right outside one of the loft windows so all weekend long they watched the birds. They named all 4 babies and Sophia even saw the mommy bird feed the babies worms. SO COOL! The kids were sad to say goodbye to their special little birdie friends. 

 We also enjoyed roasting marshmallows inside. 
(they have a fire ban in the area)  
This is very near the area where the Royal Gorge Fire burned just a few weeks ago. 
So, the indoor fireplace had to do:) 

 We also got in a nice 2 mile or so hike near the cabin. It was called the Castle Garden Hike.
It was thru a a dry stream bed which was so cool. They say in the Spring, you have to be very careful and watch out for flash floods. It was very dry and sandy and we LOVED going off the path and exploring! We found a cool trail that led us to the top of the mountains by the stream bed.
Elijah said, "He was a true adventurer because this was real life!"
 We found lots of cool little caves. Some big enough to climb inside! 

 We found an old gnarled tree filled with heart shaped rocks. It was Awesome! 

It was a great trip and we look forward to returning! 

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