Sunday, January 4, 2009

Double Vision

This is absolutely amazing!!! People have been commenting on how much Ella looks like me. Below is a picture of me when I was 2 yrs old....
Isn't this amazing! I can't get over how much alike we look!


  1. do you wanna hear something funny? At first when i saw the pic of you and justin, i thought to myself, "why does Chas get her kids pics done like that, woudln't you put all the kids together?" LOL! Isn't it nice to see your genes in your kids?

  2. WOW! That's amazing! It's uncanny how much Ella looks like you and Elijah looks like your brother! Who would have even imagined???!!! I often wonder what my kids will look like - maybe I should pull out my baby pictures! Thanks for sharing - so neat!
