Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy 7th Anniversary

Here is a picture of us 7 years ago on this day walking down the road to start our life together ...

Here we are 7 years later- exhausted after 4 kids 4 and under!
All kidding aside, I am married to the most wonderful man in the world. He is SO loving and patient with me and spoils me more than I can say! Not only does he love me, he is GREAT with our kids. I work part time and at least 3 nights a week, when I arrive home from work late at night, he has the kitchen cleaned, house picked up, kids bathed and put to sleep- who could ask for more! Not only does he take VERY good care of our kids, he also loves them SO much and showers them with attention, hugs and kisses!
He's the BEST!
I love you Mark!


  1. Nice. That was New Year's Day when we fell asleep on my parent's couch. Its been a great seven years. Let's celebrate with a nap.

  2. I didn't know it was your anniversary today! Congrats!!!! You've made it seven years - you can make it the rest of the way! Love y'all!

  3. Funny, you guys look like babies on your wedding day! I look back and think the same thing of us--oh how experience and children age us! Happy anniversary!The picture of you guys falling asleep is reality here too! :)
