Friday, January 2, 2009

New Years Eve Festivites

New Years Eve was fun this year- normally we crash around 11pm and just stay home. Well, this year, we were invited to the Nash house! We stayed for about2 hours and the kids had fun exploring their HUGE playroom and the adults had fun eating and playing games. After leaving there, we went home and had the Kochacans and the Lutz family over till midnight. Marks parents stopped by for a little too. We played poker and Apples to Apples till midnight!

We toasted in the New Year with the Lutzs and amazingly all teh kids stayed awake except for Elijah who crashed pretty early!
I had fun making food for the occassion- I made crab stuffed mushrooms for the Nashes and crabdip( which we ended up eating on New Years Day) and Chili Con Queso for our house. It was all SO good!

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