Thursday, February 26, 2009

Like mother like daughter?

Sometimes I get very frustrated being a mom with 4 kiddos in a small apartment- it seems like toys are EVERYWHERE and all I do is pick up. I find toys in the oddest places, but when I see them on the bookshelf and watch the girls pretend that the shelf is a princess palace, I smile as I remember when I was a little girl and I would set up my Barbie "house" all the way up the steps, with each step being a different room in the "house". My mom would tiptoe through the maze of barbie paraphernalia to put the laundry away upstairs, and I never heard her complain about the mess. She would let me play all day and sometimes even let me leave it set up overnight- what a good mom I had- I hope to be remembered the same way by my girls. And I know the day will come when I will wish they were little once more and wish I could listen to them pretend the day away with their dolls. Its going fast and I want to cherish all the little moments before they are gone.

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