Friday, February 20, 2009

Will the fun never end?!

I am glad that my fingers work because right now, my throat does not. I am SO sick- I have the worst sore throat I've ever had in a long while and it has hindered my speaking. My voice is now a whisper. How do you take care of 4 naughty little kids when you cant talk!!!! Ella gave me the most problems today because she has not sopped whining since she turned 2 and today was no exception. Most of my day was spent lying on the couch watching reruns of The Office, repeatedly telling Ella to go play in her room. (I feel bad typing that) Elijah did good today because he can sit up now and entertains himself better this way. Everyone took good naps so that was more quiet time for me. We picked Mark up from soccer practice after stopping at the store to get cough drops and toilet paper. Mark said we were going out for dinner (YEAH!) so after a McDonalds chicken sandwich and water, we returned home. Mark cleaned up since I did nothing all day. He has made me coffee, brought me my nailpolish supplies so I could paint my nails, got me cottage cheese and grapes, and has taken care of all the kids- I have a GREAT husband! Oh, and I forgot, I have PINK EYE and ripped my last pair of contacts this morning so I am stuck in glasses till I get more... Will the fun never end?


  1. aren't you sad that sometimes your hearing doesn't go away when you are sick? LOL!

  2. I am so glad Mark took care of you...they always come through, don't they? :-)
    Hope you feel better soon! If I wasn't having my Kids4Truth party tomorrow, I would offer to take your girls so you could sleep....hopefully Mark will be around all day?
    Feel better, friend.

  3. You poor thing! It's bad when kids or husbands are sick, but it's REALLY, REALLY bad when Mom gets sick! I hope, and pray, that you will feel better REAL soon, for everyone's sake! Sounds like you are in good hands though! What a great husband!
