Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Close of Soccer

The Blue Butterflies season is over. Since they do not keep score, I have no idea who won or what there record was- pretty sure they came in last:) All of them were playing for the first time and usually played teams where the kids were older.



Ella needed one too:)

Sophia learned how to do thumbs up this season. Whenever she kicked the ball, she would turn and give us the thumbs up- she never ran with the ball because she was always watching to see if we were watching her:)

Sophia and Arianna always get a bit tired near the end and drag their feet when its their turn to go in! I dont think soccer stars are what they are meant to be(at least not yet)- maybe in a few years. Its so funny because they stay at least 4 feet away from the ball and follow it all over the field but they dont kick it- who knows! They are proud that they run though!

Its cute to watch...

We celebrated the end of the season at Coach Steve's house. We had a nice picnic and the kids enjoyed playing in the sandbox and on the swingset. The girls got medals which they cannot stop talking about- they think they got them because they won:)

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