Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Pizza Creations

Martha Stewart I am not but I do love this pizza recipe that my dear friend Christine passed along to me. I used to make it when we were first married and then I stopped but now that I need cheap and yummy meals, I went back to it! and it really is easy!
I love to load my pizza with veggies while Mark likes meat.
I really and truly think I could be a vegetarian. I LOVE veggies and all that weird stuff vegans eat- like hummus and pita, artichokes,etc. Not really sure about tofu yet! (Although I DO love fish and need to have a good filet mignon about every 6 months or so. )
Anyway, here is the super easy recipe if you want to try it:
1 packet yeast
Add 1 cup WARM water and mix
Add 1 egg yolk
Add 1/2 tsp salt
Add 2 cups of flour- mix on low speed
Keep adding flour till dough can be kneaded with hands
Knead dough till soft and pliable
Put in bowl and cover- let rise about an hour or a half- in a warm place
Roll out and top with yummy veggies and cheese and sauce
Bake at 375 for about 15 minutes- Its so good!

The crust doesnt really get brown- maybe brush with egg yolk and it would?


  1. what do you use for your sauce, i have not found the "perfect" sauce yet! i LOVE making homemade pizza!

  2. LOVE homemade pizza! I make it ALL the time - so much cheaper and tastier!

    And by the way - I do agree that you are NOT Martha Stewart...YOU'RE BETTER!!!!

  3. Thanks Michelle- and Abbey- I still use the canned sauce. My mom has a really yummy recipe but it costs more than buying Ragu which I happen to like. So, I havent experimented much with sauce yet:)

  4. so you use spaghetti sauce or the pizza sauce? i have a recie for homemade which you can make and freeze...i am wanting to try that.
