Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Momma's Day

I awoke to a very yummy breakfast and delicious cup of joe all prepared by my adorable husband. My sis-in-law ,Emy,took my girls the night before (THANK YOU!) so it was actually a wonderful night and morning since there were no distractions.
I even read while drinking my 3 cups of coffee.

The girls gave me bubble bath that they made at school and homemade cards- so sweet-
they were so excited for me to open it!

Trying to get a picture of the 3 girls- Ella stepped on Arianna's toe.

Ella wanted me to get pictures of her pigtails that Aunt Emy put in:)

And here's my boy... well, my two boys!


  1. Cracks me up that Ella stepped on her toes....I don't know why. Poor Ella. :-)
    Looked like a delicious breakfast--tell Mark we will be over on Saturday around 9:00. ;-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Impressive breakfast, Mark!!! We have those dishes. Josh loves the bowls...great lipage for cereal. :)
