Friday, September 11, 2009

Please pray

I went to Walmart today to grab a few small things and I forgot my wallet in the cart- I am 99% positive I left in the front seat next to Ella. I got all the way home and the sinking realization hit me. I searched the car to no avail. I went back to Walmart and it was not in the cart I had used. I checked the customer service- no black Coach wallet had been turned in.( I got it as a gift when I was a preschool teacher at Twin City and I LOVE it) The sinking feeling continued to grow. I gave them my info and went home feeling defeated. It held all my library cards, medical cards, license, one debit card (that has not much at all in it) and a gospel tract as well as the last $20 that was to get me thru the weekend. Maybe the thief will read the tract and be saved. I am trying to remember that God is sovereign and this has not caught Him off guard. It happened for a reason and I can trust that is was for my good, even though I may never understand. "All things work together for good to them that are called according to His purpose" Romans 8:28- But pray that maybe it will be found...


  1. I just prayed for that, dear friend. Hoping that it'll get back to ya. We have a very able God!

  2. I love your view of God's hand....that He uses bad for good.

    I still hope that you get it back somehow, friend, and that you somehow made it through the weekend without your $20 :-(
