Friday, September 11, 2009

St Mary's Galcier Hiking Trip

On Labor day, Marks parents called us up and wanted to see if we wanted to hike St. Mary's Glacier which is near Idaho Springs, CO. I had never heard of this place and Mark said he had gone there as a kid but had forgotten about it. I fell in LOVE with this place- The hike up there was a half a mile and took us probably about 45 minutes to hike up with 4 young children.
The kids did surprisingly well and did not complain or cry or anything.
(of course, Elijah was traded back and forth in our arms )
The twins were trying to find all kinds of wildlife animals in the woods.

We made it up the rocky trail and the view was breathtaking.

We hiked and explored all around the lake and we found a cave!
I was dying to climb in and explore like my high school spelunking days.
The girls were intrigued.

While Grandpa tried his hand at fishing in the chilly water, we climbed up the hill to touch the glacier. The scenery and mountains in the distance were beautiful!

After a few hours, we climbed back down and started for home.
It was a wonderful trip and I am SO thankful for wonderful in-laws who
enjoy taking us on exciting adventures to see new places.
I must say that I have the BEST inlaws ever.
I really mean that.
They are kind, loving, giving, patient, interesting and very easy to talk too.
I feel comfortable and at home when I am with them.
I feel very blessed and constantly remind my children that they have wonderful grandparents who care very deeply for them and to never take that for granted-
The way they love my children is so special.
They enjoy watching them, reading to them
and making them special things to eat:)
They want to create memories with them and that means so much.
I have VERY fond memories with my grandparents and I want my children to have a special relationship with their grandma and grandpa which I know they do.
It was a good day and good memories were made...

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