Tuesday, December 1, 2009

"Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree"

Mark made me wait till the day after Thanksgiving to put my tree!
We had fun decorating and we only broke about 3 ornaments:(

Every year, I get the kids an ornament with the year written on it- someday, when they get married, I will give them all their ornaments so they can fill their tree with memories!

I even have a few ornaments from when I was a baby-
they are SO special to me:)


  1. hey i made that one for Arriana! :) we get our kids AT least one...i never can quite decide so sometimes i end up with a few each year for them. sometimes i even buy them after Christmas when they are 75-85% off at Hallmark! :) how tall is your tree? is it fake? it looks HUGE! and pretty!

  2. Yep, Abbey, we still have those ornaments- you need to make ones for Ella and Elijah now:)

  3. oh, yeah...i will add those to their gifts this year! ;)
