Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Pray for Elijah Litzner....

Please pray for my friend Giles and Janel's baby Elijah (6 months old) . I asked prayer for him several months ago and he was doing better until a few weeks ago- he had to go into surgery again to reattach his diaphragm (I think) because he seemed to be in a lot of pain. Well, as of a few days ago, his incision was infected and then split open this morning all the way to his liver. They couldnt get him to surgery until a few hours ago and Janel said he has been in severe pain all day (many of the meds arent working because his body has grown so used to them) I cannot even begin to imagine the pain Giles and Janel are experiencing as well- seeing their son hurting so badly and not being able to take it away. My heart is so burdened for them- I just cant stop thinking about them and crying for them. PLEASE PRAY that Elijah will heal and will be free from pain and that God will give extra GRACE and STRENGTH to his sweet parents. Praise be to God who is "able to do exceeding abundantly above all we could ask or think..."

1 comment:

  1. Chas...I will be praying for him! I cannot even imagine as a mother going through this! I will definitely be in prayer! Please update when you find out any news!
