Tuesday, April 6, 2010

This post can't wait!

Notice the curtains in the top right hand side of this picture-

Can you believe that I actually made Elijah's curtains? 
All thanks to my in laws who gave me a sewing machine for my birthday!
And the best part of the gift was a basic sewing class which showed me how to work my machine.
It was SO easy!

I must admit, I looked at a pair of curtains that Kara made me when we lived in MA, and copied her design since I did not have a pattern. But, I did get creative and added the silk ribbon.
So, here is little Elijah's room which has only 2 unfinished projects in it... can you spot them?

I will tell you- I would like to make a new lampshade for his lamp to match the bright colors in his room
and I need to decorate his corkboard!
But, I am very pleased with the Monkey theme in his room
and the bright colors!

I also painted 2 monkey pictures to hang on his wall- a girl and boy monkey face:)
I just LOVE to decorate and create! I think it is my favorite thing:)


  1. They look fantastic! You did a great job on those monkey curtains:)
    I am working on a set of Race CAr themed curtains for my boys' room (translation: "working on" means I purchased the fabric and it is sitting patiently in my craft closet!") LOL

  2. woa, there's no stopping you now!!! You ARE very creative and once you have a machine and know one simple straight stitch the possibilities are endless! good luck! (cute room, btw!) do the girls all share a room?

  3. Beth, thanks! Yea, the twins are in a bunk bed and Ella sleeps in her toddler bed- all in the same room- their room is next!!
