Sunday, April 11, 2010


Tradition #1: Every Easter morning, we gather around after breakfast and open our Resurrection Eggs which tell the story of the REAL meaning of Easter- going thru Jesus's death, burial and resurrection in the Bible! The girls LOVE it and get so sad when we go thru what Jesus suffered for us! We continue to pray that it will become a HEART knowledge and belief in their young lives. I was in tears by the end just thinking of what a wonderful Savior we have who endured so much to bring me- a vile sinner- into His presence!
Tradition #2: We then get all dressed up and I make them get pictures done before going on the egg hunt! 
Every Easter, I really miss my Nanny- we used to take the kids their (in PA) and hunt for eggs in her yard- she loved watching them search and run around.. I miss her so much!

Tradition #3- We then head to church and praise and worship the one whom Easter is all about!
Then off to Grandma and Grandpa's for an amazing Easter dinner!

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