Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Remembering 2 Years of Life

Hard to believe that 2 years ago today, I was in labor at the hospital getting ready to deliver our FIRST baby boy! After about 7 hours, Elijah Benjamin arrived into the world!

He seriously was just perfect! 
Here are a few glimpses of his first year of life!

Elijah's first Bronco Game- 2 moths old
playing with his best friend, Clara- 3 months old

Looking all handsome for church- 4 months old

Elijah's first Christmas
Learning to sit with Clara- 7 months old

Elijah's first birthday!
Happy Birthday, Little Man!
We are so blessed to have you in our family! 
You fill our house with love, SMILES and laughter!
We pray that you will grow into a man who loves and fears God! 

1 comment:

  1. He is wicked cute, Chastity! Happy Birthday Elijah! :)
    My youngest will turn two in August. I am excited and sad all at the same time - the time goes by way too fast!
