Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy Birthday, America!

Happy 4th of July!
We enjoyed a very WET picnic and fireworks. 
Littleton Bible Chapel had a great picnic with food and kids activities. 
We went for a whole 20 minutes and then got rained out. 

( I LOVE this pic- Clara thinks Elijah is funny or something!)

We then invited the Lutzs over for games. It was fun:)
We attempted to go see fireworks, al the while rain, thunder and lightning were abounding.
We parked and when it was time the rain lightened enough to get out and watch! 
They were beautiful!

I am so thankful for the great country we live in. I am privileged to be an American.
I am so thankful for the men and woman who have fought and are fighting to give my my freedom.
I am also so thankful for freedom in Christ! 
I am a child of God's and He has freed me from the bonds of sin. 
For that, I am eternally grateful.


  1. Awww some good pics! I also love the one where Clara's laughing at Elijah! :) And the one of me and Ryan is funny and cute at the same time. What a fun day! Glad to spend part of it with y'all.

  2. aww, great pics! We almost got rained out - dark clouds hung over our church picnic the whole afternoon, but actual drops never fell.
    Looks like you had so much fun!
