Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Continued.. Day 2

Well, here we are on our way to Cody, WY- Mark followed google maps on his trusty new EVO phone and it navigated us through a VERY LARGE mountain range. I am talking STEEP with small guard rails, and at one point dirt roads. I was practically in tears thinking we would never be seen again, eaten by some huge mountain bear. But modern technology did not let us down and brought us over the top and back down again. We were not disappointed with the scenery - these pics do not do it justice- it was BEAUTIFUL! and we even saw about 20 deer and 2 MOOSE! Amazing!
We arrived in Cody at another winner of a hotel:) Its is brandnew and SO pretty and rustic looking!
We quickly changed and headed out the door to meet our friends, Joel and Steph Proffit for dinner. (they live in Cody) We took our 4 kids and their 2 kids (all 5 and under) out to eat, so needless to say, I didnt get a pic of that- it was crazy enough. We are seeing them tomorrow for breakfast, so I'll be sure to snap one then!
After dinner, we did a bit of sight seeing and shopping.
 Oh, the cowboy boots- they are ALL over and they smell so yummy! 
I LOVE the smell of fresh leather-aahh!
Can you guess how much a pair of these boots above costs?
I bet you wont even come close to guessing the right price...
No joking!
Think I'll NOT be buying these anytime soon-
I did find some in another shop that were a bit more in my price range. 
I left them to think about the purchase- I've never spent much on a pair of shoes, but these will last me a lifetime and they are SO cute and look good with jeans and dresses...
We'll see if I break down and get them tomorrow!
Gonna sleep on it...
The girls and boy had fun trying on various items and even found some small trinkets and treasures to take home!

Then, it was off to the RODEO- I have never been to a rodeo and it was cool!
I must admit, I do have a thing for cowboys- they look so handsome and manly in their jeans, boots and cowboy hats:) Think I need to get Mark a cowboy hat:) 
The kids loved the first 20 minutes of it and then started getting bored.. until the 
THE COWGIRLS started showing up!

Then, they let the kids come out and actually chase a calf who had a pink ribbon tied to its tail- if they caught it, they won! The twins tried valiantly, and even got knocked to the ground a few times:) 
We stayed for a little over an hour and then decided to leave- it was after 9pm! 
But we did have to grab a photo with a bull before we left!
I must say, I was not really liking the way they treated those poor bulls, horses and calves- I felt sorry for them- being roped, rided and tied down so much. Poor animals. 
I think my hubby and I are much more suited for city life:)
So, after another full day, we called it a night...
but not before a cup of hot cocoa in the hotel lobby...
Goodnight, ya'all and see you tomorrow from YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK and Old Faithful!
oh, and dont forget to look at my feet to see if I caved in and bought me some boots:)

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading this. I am so glad you are blogging each day!!! Beautiful pics! You are making me want to travel that way, and I am not the cowboy type at all.
