Saturday, July 10, 2010

Days 3 and 4- the best yet!! (Warning: lots of pics:)

After a good nights sleep in Cody, we ate breakfast with Joel and Steph and enjoyed catching up with them and their lives. Thanks guys!
We then took a quick dip in the pool and I got my cowboy boots:)
I LOVE them (although later that day, Arianna spilled Sprite on them...maybe a mother of four should not get expensive Justins cowboy boots:) nah!

We stopped along the way to take in some gorgeous mountain views- Wyoming is SO pretty!
Then, we entered Yellowstone- its basically a HUGE forest with so much pine and woldlife! We saw countless moose, elk,deer and buffalo.

In Yellowstone they have this super cool Geyser spot where you can walk right along these hot pools. The water in them is actually boiling and SO clear and blue. Steam comes off of them (and this was a 75 degree day) and they are breathtaking! I included a LOT of pics- it was one of my favorite "sights"

This one was actually in the lake!Boiling away!

After this, we drove another long stretch thru Yellowstone till we came to Old Faithful!
We got there right as it was erupting- perfect timing since it erupts every 1-2 hours! 

and just like that it is over- pretty neat though!
Then we continued driving past beautiful waterfalls and TONS more wildlife 

until we came to The Grand Tetons! It was the most beautiful mountain range I have ever seen! These pictures do not even come close to describing their beauty! You have to see it with your own eyes!

We arrived at our hotel exhausted, but did take time for a quick dip. I drove all around town trying to find a good cup of coffee. Couldnt find one- I finally stopped at an ice cream shoppe and they had a coffee menu. I ordered a latte and the girl looked at me like I had 2 heads and said, "Whats that?" Needless to say, it was the worst latte I have ever drank.

Then it was time for bed- Mark and I slept up top since it was SO high and I was afraid the kids would fall out. Bunk beds sounded cool over the internet but not so much in person!
Day4- DRIVE ALL DAY until we reached home!!!

Overall, we had a VERY nice time as a family. No major meltdowns. Very tired kids who were happy to be home! and a very tired mommy and daddy, who are grateful to be able to create memories with our little family! 


  1. :) Loved reading all of it! You did a great job being thorough. Your new boots look great!

  2. Looks like so much fun! I should've asked you to hide me in your suitcase or something!!! haha! Good to see you all having a good time! And yes, the boots are awesome!!! Way cute with that sundress, btw.
