Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ear Piercing #2!!!!

My sweet little Arianna decided that now that she is turning 6, she would like her ears pierced. Of course, Sophia tried to talk her out of it saying, "How will everyone tell us apart?" 
This is a legit question, but we couldnt let that stop her from getting it done!
So, we headed over to Claries after a day of swimming. She bravely climbed in the chair and got all ready.
now, here is where mom messed up. The lady told me she was the only person here so we would do one ear at a time. I thought Arianna would be okay, especially once she saw how pretty it looked. I was wrong.

they marked her ears

love this pic! She squeezed her eyes shut while she did it
Then came the tears- TONS of them! She was so upset...
I tried to show her how pretty it looked 
(she chose green ones for the month of August when she was going to 1st grade- isnt that cute!)
She did not think it was pretty and screamed bloody murder. Well, we had to do the next ear, but she was not moving her hand off her ear and cried, no, no!
We tried getting off the chair and walking around, looking at all the pretty earring she would be able to wear, but she kept crying.. We finally got her back up in the chair and I asked the lady if we could come back and get the other ear done later. She said we could, but we would have to pay the full price today and then when we came back! Are you kidding me!!! There was NO WAY we were paying $80 for ear piercing...
So, Mark held her on his lap, held her hands down and I grabbed her head  and held it still (not an easy task) and the lady got it done! Oh my goodness- quite traumatic! 
But later today, Arianna is so happy she has 2 pierced ears! 
Now everyone is going to have to find some other way to tell them apart:)

They do look SO much alike now:) (This is Sophia)


  1. I was holding my breath all the way through your post! So sorry it was so traumatic!! eek! They do look lovely on her, though!

  2. she will NEVER forget it now!

    I remember a LONG time ago you had told me that they were not identical twins- are you sure about that? ;)

  3. I got to see her new earrings today, when you were inside helping pretty! I love favorite stone! I got my ears pierced when I turned 6, too! ;) It was so special!

  4. So true Abbey she will never forget it:)lol! And I am almost positive that they are fraternal. I was told that when there are 2 placentas (which I had) the babies are fraternal, but when they share one placenta (because they came from one egg), they are identical. I guess I could get their blood tested to see if their DNA is identical.

  5. its just crazy how much alike they look! but i have seen siblings that are a year apart that look that much alike as well...just remarkable!

    btw-this may be gross, but i asked to see my placenta after giving birth-i found it so amazing! did you knwo some people EAT IT! seriously-google that one! EEEWWW!

  6. its just crazy how much alike they look! but i have seen siblings that are a year apart that look that much alike as well...just remarkable!

    btw-this may be gross, but i asked to see my placenta after giving birth-i found it so amazing! did you knwo some people EAT IT! seriously-google that one! EEEWWW!
