Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Journal Update: Day 11 of 17

Didnt blog yesterday but it was a F U N day! It rained most fo the day and that wasnt too cool but the
 F U N stuff we did was super cool! 
Chuckie Cheese got a visit from us with cousin Valy and everyone had a ball! 
Even me! 
With little kids tokens last FOREVER and 
$20 will get you around 2 hours of fun! No kidding

After Chuckie Cheese we grabbed some lunch at Chickfila- yumm!!! And then headed to the Mondragons to watch their little ones while Chad and Mel skipped town on their vacation to the mountains! 7 kids (6 and under) is quite the load but it was made VERY easy since I had one HELPFUL teen, Valerie, with me- she was the BEST! 
The kids loved her and the rain even parted so we could play outside!! 
and by the way, it was even her birthday! 

We didnt do much that night other than regular household chores which Megan voluntarily offered to help with:) and which of course, I took her up on! I fed the gecko and he gobbled up 6 crickets in like a minute- it was cool and gross. I need to go buy more! I did get to run out for Oreos to Target and the supposed to be 15 minute trip turned into an hour- 
Target is just too much fun to browse at 9:00 at night- 
noone is in the store- its quite- I LOVE it! 
and it was just what I needed!

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