Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Journal Update: Day 12 of 17

 We had a wonderful day at Ladies Coffee today- we all met at a splash pad and even though it was a bit windy- it was great to sit and relax with friends and LOTS of babies!! 

 Elijah LOVEd the mud puddles in the sand area:) 

 The girls found these HUGE dandelions! 

 I was able to get a little nap today which was nice seeing as I had a big evening out on the town! Megan  and I went to see a movie and grabbed a bite to eat at LIME- it was Yummy! And it was a  great break from the kiddos! 
Special thanks to Ryan and Erika who came over and watched the kiddos! 
If you have never been to Landmark- you must go- movies were $9 and they give you free popcorn and soda(as much as you want) and the seats were super comfy! 
I think Mark and I will be making a trip there upon his return! 

Did I mention that I just love Megan- she has been staying here with me and I cannot tell you how awesome it has been to have her around! Love you, friend! 
Just a side note: I havent talked to Mark in 2 days and it stinks! 
I miss him 
and his voice, 
and his face, 
and his kisses, 
and his hugs, 
and you get the point! 

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