Friday, September 9, 2011

First Week of Preschool A Success

Isnt she just SO cute! My little 4 yr old Ella Bella started her first school experience on Tuesday at Christ Lutheran Preschool. Its about 10 minutes from our house and she has 14 girls and 4 boys in her class. She has been looking forward to this for MONTHS and regularly would ask when she would be going. I was worried that she built it up too much in her head and would be disappointed when the day actually came but that was silly! She LOVED it!
Ella is in Jr Kindergarten and they meet from 9:30am-12:30pm. She eats lunch at school and that has been quite the exciting experience! Her teachers name is Miss Pam and they also have another classroom teacher named Miss Debbie. Ella is always coming home with papers and crafts and projects and new songs and new poems and new rules that she has learned.. you get the picture! She's learning lots!
 And since Ella is in school this gives me time to spend some quality time with my little Lij! I have never in 7 years of parenting ever had one child to look after- its so different! And I like it. It definitely is quiet! I have started teaching Elijah too seeing as he really does not know much- not sure if its because he is a boy or it is because he is the last of 4 children- poor guy doesnt know red from yellow- but we are working on it and soon he will know lots:) And if he doesnt learn quickly, at least he has his looks:) He sure is a cutie!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend- we sure have a busy one ahead!
 And I am SOOO looking forward to it!

1 comment:

  1. Ella looks very happy in her pictures! And that is funny what you said about Lij, however he is super smart so his looks are just a bonus!
