Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Whirlwind of a Weekend

 This past weekend was very busy but very exciting as well! Friday started off with the twins field day at school. They do it at the beginning of the year to form unity and bonding within the class. They rotate along through different games and overall really enjoy it! I remember my field days as a kid- we would even get ribbons at  the end and there was the famous obstacle course where you couldnt wait to dive into the mud and get all dirty. We would have the standard three legged races and long jump and running races. I usually won those- I could really run when I was little.  
Elijah and Ella came along to cheer on their sisters but Elijah soon lost interest and played with Littlest Pet Shop toys on the cement. It was pretty funny- he carried these around with him all day long. 
Ella tried to get into the games and was tagging along after her sisters all morning.
Later that afternoon, I met my friend Erika for our annual Pumpkin Spice Latte debut at Starbucks. We have met every year since our girls started Kindergarten. I quite like the tradition. and I REALLY love the drink! (please ignore the double chin in this picture- its probably from drinking too much coffee!)
 And the cherry on top of my Friday was a date with my man, Mark! We went to Elephant Bar Resturant for dinner and then got to go downtown to a HEART meet and great on Larimar Square- HEART is the organization that Mark teamed with to go to Africa- they are doing AMAZING things in Africa and it was all started by this sweet older lady, Vicki. What an encouragement to me to see this woman (who is entering a stage in life when most people sit back and relax) forge ahead and create this organization that is doing SO much in meeting needs for the people of Africa- AMAZING! I was in tears. 
Their newest project is where they build greenhouses for the African people to grow crops to sell in their towns- they started this because of all the famine going on in Africa right now.

 Special thanks to our sweet babysitter, Rachael, who watched the munchkins for us! She also went with      Mark to Africa so she was excited that we got to see Vicki and hear about HEART!

Saturday was very busy as Mark met with with an Ordination Counsel to pursue eldership at Sola Church. He was grilled for around 2 hours by Jay Janz, Paul Valentine, Chad Mondragon and Rudy Gomez about his theology and his own personal life. Sunday, it was complete as he was installed as an elder at Sola Church, along with Bobby Endyk.
 What an amazing God we serve who uses ordinary men to serve and guide and love His church. 
If you dont have a church body and live in the Denver area, we would LOVE to have you come and visit us! 
We meet on the corner of Holly and County Line and have our service at 10:30am.
We also have missional community groups that meet once a week for a meal together and Bible Study-
 we would love for you to come! 

And now a new week has begun!
Yesterday the twins started after school choir! They are all excited- they get tshirts and get to sing at Christmas at Southglenn. Ella continues to love school. Elijah and I met with our neighbor today who is a young teenage girl who just had a cute little baby girl. I was able to take pictures of little Kaliyah for my Etsy shop and give her some pretty baby bling! I am hoping to get to know Karly better! 
Tonight I head to the twins schools PTO meeting- I am excited to get involved this year! I had my first big event as Hospitality Coordinator last month and was able to meet a lot of the staff and parents at Hopkins.
 It was fun! 

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