Saturday, June 9, 2012

Day 5- 1,000 kids at VBS for Mark / Chillin and Chihuahuas for Us

 Today was HOT! I turned the air on right away in the morning so the house stayed pretty cool all day for which we are so blessed! We hung out and played dominoes, read books, and the kids played and played in the basement with their toys for hours. I napped and organized. We had a community garage sale and I put some stuff out- didn't see much action though. It was too hot- people were not yard sale-ing! I drank lots of water today! I felt really sad all day today- I think I was keeping myself and the kids SO busy all week long but today it hit me. I miss Mark:)

It was too hot to cook so we went out to eat and then popped over to the mall to enjoy the air:) I didn't even buy anything (thats for you, Mark!)  The three girls went in on a LEGO set with the money they had saved so that was exciting for them! Lij wanted to see the puppies so we went in and held the cutest little Chihuahua! (at least I think that's what it was- I am NOT a dog expert. ) It was the cutest little dog though- She seemed to be cuddling us! She would rest her head on me and kiss everyone. She was only 10 weeks old. The kids LOVE doing this and its nice because it's free and it gives them their dog fix. Although they have all these dreams of a doggie once we leave! I must say, a cute LITTLE dog is growing on me. We will see if someday I break down and get one.

Talked with Mark a little bit ago- He was up REALLY early getting ready to preach today (its Sunday morning right now over there) He is preaching in church and then at a youth rally- and then once again but not sure where. They should have a quieter evening so hopefully he can get some pictures uploaded on their team website! I'm dying to see them! If you are up late reading this, please pray for Mark that he will proclaim the Gospel and Christ clearly to the Kenyan people. He does use an interpreter so I'm sure it will be challenging!
He told me the VBS went really well and they had planned for around 500 kids but instead had 1,000 kids show up! Amazing! I cannot even comprehend that many kiddos running around:)

I am going to try to get ahold of him when I wake up (his bedtime) to see how the services went!

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