Sunday, June 10, 2012

Day 6- Mark preaches at church/youth rally in Kenya/ We enjoy church at Sola and an afternoon at Grandma and Grandpa's House

Elijah and Mr. Bobby wore the same outfit to church today:) Seer sucker pants and a white shirt:) Mr. Dan and Breck also had seer suckers on too! 
 Enjoyed time with my Sola family this morning worshipping my Savior! I so look forward to Sunday when we gather today as the body of Christ and bring our praise to Him together.
Its refreshing for the soul and renewing for my mind.
We are working through the book of I John.

 It was so good for Lij to be around a lot of males today, too:) At church he was running up to Bobby, Jon, Josh, Dan, etc and wanting them to pick him up, tickle him, fight with him, hang him upside down:)  Without any men at home to rough him up, he gets pretty crazy! All that energy is bottled up. Then we went to Grandma and Grandpas where Uncle Matt, Grandpa and Avery all roughed him up, too:) Love it!
 We enjoyed Grandma's yummy cooking for lunch and took a walk to the park with Grandpa. 
The kids found a popsicle cart! 
 We walked all around the river and ponds- 
such wonderful memories for the kiddos with their Grandpa! 

Mark texted me before church and said that preaching went well.
They had 200 teens in the youth rally and he said he's tired!
They have one more day at Children of Hope and then they go on a safari! It will be nice and relaxing- a much needed break from the very busy first week at the orphanage!
I will talk with him tonight again. Thanks for your prayers.

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