Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Happy Birthday, Baby.. just a tad late

Mark turned 34!!!! 
on Sunday, October 8th... I know, Im really late in posting this.
We cooked him a yummy birthday breakfast, as is the tradition, in the Gomez household on birthdays. 

I absolutely LOVE this picture of Mark and Lijers
Pumpkin roll after dinner:) 

The kids each picked him out a little something at Target.. 
{ Elijah- gloves, for when he walks to the bus in the morning}
{Ella- a grey t-shirt that when she saw, she said, "I have to get this for dad."}
{Arianna- beard trimmer}
{Sophia- cheeseburger boxer shorts- they were neon- I think thats what she was drawn to?}

* Mark and I were able to get away for the night to a hotel without kiddos! oh yeah! 
*We were treated to an amazing dinner at Bittersweet- truly the best fancy dining experience I've ever had! (Thanks, Cam and Ada, for the gift certificate!) 
*We caught a movie after dinner with the aforementioned friends and then were able to relax in an amazingly comfy, plush hotel bed!
(Thanks, Garrett and Laura, for watching our 4 rambunctious kiddos! I'm sorry for all the pancakes they ate!) 
*We also celebrated on his actual birthday with his awesome parents at Texas roadhouse! YUMMO!

{SO BLESSED to be married to this wonderful man}

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